Just a few days left…keep track of what you NEED.
- Pack a suitcase for members of your family, as if you are going on vacation: clothes, medicine and bathroom supplies. That way, as boxes are being filled, you won’t have to make decisions on what might be needed.
- Decide where to keep important documents, such as checkbooks, passports, etc. You may need these things during, or shortly after the move.
- Keep a bag handy with things like bottles of water, pretzels and gum. It is always a good idea to have your favorite non-perishable snacks for the trip.
- Make sure to have a couple cleaning supplies, garbage bags and a paper towel roll available in case they are needed.
- Label a box for small parts, and keep it open till the end of the move. This will be a good box for you to place remotes, batteries and small cords that you may find yourself looking for as soon as you arrive at your new house. This is also a great spot to keep a corkscrew/bottle opener!
- You want to be as comfortable as possible for your first night of sleep in your new house, and unpacking every box is not an option. Take time to label a box filled with sheets, blankets and pillows so that everyone in the family can sleep well after what will be an exhausting day.
Congratulations on your move…now the work begins! How do you get the house ready? What is essential? Window coverings! Window coverings will be one of the best investments you can make in your new place. They may also need to be one of your first purchases. If your windows are either not covered, or have coverings that need to be replaced, you can find yourself with a host of problems.
- For one thing, your new neighbors are spying on you. They are. Don’t worry. In most cases, it’s not in a creepy, we-are-watching-you kind of way. They are just interested in knowing whatever they can about the new people next door. Claim your privacy with window coverings.
- Your sleep is important. Sleeping in a new environment can be hard enough with new sounds and new smells. Add in the problem of a room filled with light, and you will be up all night. Window coverings in your child’s room can also solve major sleep problems.
- Save money on your new bills. One way to keep utility bills low is to invest in window coverings. It keeps the sun from heating up the place on a hot day. You can also open the blinds to use natural light on a not-so-hot day, to keep yourself from wasting electricity.
If you live in Chicago, or in the suburbs of Chicago, Skyline Window Coverings can help. We would love to visit with you for a FREE in-home consultation. We know you are busy. Let us make an appointment at a time that is convenient for your schedule. Since you haven’t lived there long, we can help you visualize how the windows could look with your window coverings of choice, using our technology. You moved into a house you want to be proud of. Let us help you find long-lasting, high quality window coverings to turn your house into a home.