Creating the right balance of style and function, entryway shades are the key factor for this all-important space in your home. The goal is to design a welcoming vibe, with positive energy; natural light often meets that need. But, the privacy of your home is vital to your comfort, so maintaining a secure environment, without a view in, can be just as important. Let’s explore the best window covering features for the doors and windows found at the entryways of your home.
Privacy + Light
The ideal combination would offer comfortable–or adjustable–privacy and glowing natural light. When it comes to entryway shades, the top down feature is a strong favorite because you have access to both.

This feature can also be a great way to cover sliders, with two separate shades offering independent operation so you can customize the privacy, light and function of your home.

Light Filtering to Light Blocking
When you have an entry that faces the sunshine, you might need constant control, ranging from light filtering to light blocking. Sheer shades are a great option, due to the range of lighting control they allow.

Silhouette sheer shades cut the glare, adjusting from view-through sheer fabrics, to vanes that close off the view. Most sheer shades reflect the sun outward during the day to increase the energy efficiency of your home, as well as privacy.

With Luminette Privacy Sheers, you have the option for an outdoor view and filtered light. Then, when you want to block the light, you simply rotate the vanes closed. Many home homeowners love these as entryway shades for their sliding doors.

Specialty Windows
A popular style option for the front of your home, uniquely shaped windows can be tricky to cover. In some cases, they’re also hard-to-reach, making smart shades a great operating feature.

Honeycomb shades offer the highest amount of features of any of our window shade collections. Along with options for energy efficiency, room darkening and motorization, these window treatments are also great when covering windows of unique shapes.
Narrow Door Frames
An option that’s exclusive to the Duette Shades collection, TrackGlide is perfect for narrow doors and french doors, where there isn’t room for drilling in hardware to install the shades.

Door Handle & Lock Function
An important consideration as you decide which style and function suits you best, the door handles and levers must be capable of operating as intended. The placement of the door handle can affect the window covering products you choose. The good news is that many collections include low-profile options so you can go about your home without hassle. Plantation shutters can be customized beautifully to work around challenges.

Does Your Home Need Entryway Shades?
You’re not alone! It’s essential to achieve the light control and privacy you deserve. Our window covering designers at Skyline Window Coverings would love to help you get started on this project! Reach out to us for your FREE design consult.